Functions of education in society briefly. Functions of education in the modern world

The definition and disclosure of the essence of the functions performed by education in society is of theoretical and practical interest and is included in the subject field of modern education problems. The existence of different approaches to the definition and description of the functions of education is explained by the complexity of their institutionalization, the dynamics of development, as well as the variety of theoretical concepts for the development of educational systems.

Education as a social institution performs a specific set of functions focused on certain public needs. Needs refracted through social interests society and groups, take the form of social order. An analysis of the structure of the social order reveals a number of its essential properties: more frequent turnover due to social and cultural dynamics, inconsistency due to the multiplicity of sources, acceptance of the leading order on formal organizational indicators, “shift of goals” in bureaucratic management, pedocentrism and orientation towards one of the parties. personality development.

Differences in the definition of the functions of education are also due to the fact that its social return is delayed in time. The fuzziness of the criteria for its effectiveness expands the possibilities for interpreting the functions of education, which is enhanced by the contradictions of group interests.

Another problem in the study and description of functions modern education lies in the fact that the excessive determination of the functional model social order leads to underestimation or hypertrophy individual functions education.

An important aspect of functional disproportion is the ratio of formal and non-formal education. For centuries, the school tried to resist the results of out-of-school socialization, since the dominants of the out-of-school environment were significantly at odds with the goals of the school.

The most common classification educational functions.

Socialization of the younger generation. The Institute of Education is designed to provide social stability and integration of society, since its functioning is directly related to the satisfaction fundamental needs society in the socialization of its members and preparing them for various social roles, occupying certain social positions.

Reproduction and transmission of culture. The implementation of this function lies in the fact that through the institution of education, the values ​​of culture are transferred from generation to generation. Throughout the history of mankind, education has been the main tool for enlightening society. When implementing this function, it is important to take into account that the culture of each nation has its own national and ethnic characteristics, therefore, the education system plays important role in the maintenance and preservation of national consciousness.

The formation of the young generation of value orientations, attitudes, life ideals that prevail in this society . Thanks to the performance of this function by the institution of education, the younger generation is socialized and integrated into the existing social system. Teaching the language, the history of the fatherland, literature, the principles of morality and morality is a prerequisite for the formation of a generally shared system of values ​​in a person, thanks to which he learns to understand other people and himself, becomes a conscious member of society.

social selection. The structure of the educational process is arranged in such a way that it makes it possible already at the most early stages differentiate students. The selection process, the selection of the most capable of learning students is carried out modern system formation, as it were, automatically, since the very internal microstructure of education itself has its own main task selection and differentiation of young people not only according to their abilities and talents, but also in accordance with individual interests, opportunities, value orientations. The consequences of the selection process carried out by the educational institution are extremely important, since it end result is the placement of people in various positions in the social structure of society. This achieves reproduction in renewal social structure society, without which the normal functioning of the latter is impossible. Other important side the process of social selection lies in the fact that it launches the mechanism of social mobility; getting a profession, occupation social position in the structure of an organization, as a rule, opens for many people the path of a professional career, promotion up the ladder of official hierarchies. The system of education, mainly higher education, serves as the most important rope of social mobility. The level of education is the most important indicator social status person in modern society. At the same time, some researchers attribute a negative role to this function of education, since it reproduces the social inequality existing in society.

The function of social and cultural change. This function has always been characteristic of the education system, but it is especially evident in modern conditions. This feature is implemented in two related ways. First, through the inextricable link between education and scientific research. Possessing the highest scientific potential, contributing to scientific progress, the education system has always made and is making a significant contribution to the enrichment and expansion of the cultural heritage of society. Secondly, in modern conditions there is an integration of science, education and production, the result of which is the acceleration of scientific and technical progress. Institutes of education all in more become research centers that carry out theoretical and applied research, experimental development commissioned by government departments and industrial firms. Along with this, the development of scientific research contributes to the improvement of the education system, as new scientific ideas and discoveries are included in educational programs and improve the quality of training.

Ensuring economic growth. Education is gradually turning into a full-fledged subject of market relations, which stimulates the transformation of its structure and the modification of its functions.

According to another approach, the functions of education are considered in a broader aspect - as a category that reflects the content of the activities of individual elements of the social system, i.e. the functions of education are revealed within the framework this approach as social. To the number basic social functions of education include:

socio-economic, development related human capital, meeting the needs of the labor market in professional staff, the formation and development of the intellectual, scientific, technical and personnel potential of society;

socio-political, the implementation of which allows ensuring the security of society in its broadest sense, social control, social mobility, sustainable development of society, its internationalization and inclusion in general civilizational processes;

cultural, aimed at the development of the spiritual life of society, where education plays a decisive role, because it not only directly affects the formation of the individual, but also lays a sense of social responsibility, allows you to preserve, develop and broadcast the spiritual heritage. Research interest in this case represents a grouping of functions and their content.

Socio-economic functions. The strategic success of a society is determined not only by the formation a wide range scientific, technical, humanitarian and artistic elite, but also the achievement of high educational level population and improving the quality of human capital. At the same time, the economic approach also acts as a significant obstacle to an adequate understanding of the value of education, the priority in the implementation of social and cultural functions proper. Accepted as an ideological postulate, it significantly deforms both the implementation of the social functions inherent in education and the real educational policy. This approach links education only with its socio-economic function - servicing the sphere of production and socio-cultural infrastructure by professional workers of various skill levels.

Among the most important socio-economic functions of education is the formation of the intellectual and human potential of society.

Socio-political functions. Not only the socio-economic, but also the socio-political functions of education are undergoing an essential transformation, which is associated with fundamental changes both within the educational system, so in that external environment which influences it.

Major political upheavals at the end of the 20th century significantly changed the environment for the functioning and development of education. This has led to the fact that more and more often there is a mention of a new function that education performs in modern society. It's about providing national security. In the new geopolitical conditions, the army and other power structures have become by no means an exhaustive factor for the security of countries. True security, taking into account the progress of world civilization, is determined today by the level of development of human resources as the main prerequisite for creating its scientific, economic, socio-cultural and spiritual potential. It is in this direction that the rivalry is unfolding in the 21st century. developed countries and entire regions for leadership, and, consequently, for the level of their own security, the preservation of sovereignty and integrity. In the light of these prospects, education and science, their scale, level and quality become leading decisive factors development and ensuring national security.

cultural function. In the context of the deepening integration of scientific knowledge, the existing strict division of education into the humanities, natural sciences and technical clearly reveals its vulnerable features. At the same time, the question is not limited to organizational aspects - it fits into a much broader problem: it is determined what contribution the education system should and can make to the development of culture and spirituality, what is its cultural mission. Controversy does not stop around the complex of these issues. There are diametrically opposed positions regarding the humanitarization of education.

Gradually, the influence of supporters of the development of the ability of education to form the spiritual qualities of the individual, the ability to see the world holistically, to realize the importance of relevant social problems and interpersonal relationships acquire a sense of social responsibility. AT educational plans introduced courses in philosophy, sociology, political science, history. Increased attention to the formation of environmental consciousness of future professionals, etc.

The problem of youth: education as a means of overcoming the conflict of generations.

The process of familiarizing young people with basic social values ​​has various forms and levels, but the leading positions here belong to education.

If we agree with the status of education as an institution of socialization, then we should consider its fundamental possibilities in achieving the goals and solving the tasks that it faces in this regard. This implies a clear understanding of where, in which society the youth is going to “grow”, whether tomorrow they will contribute to the development of this society or build a fundamentally different one - their own.

From this, firstly, will depend on the understanding of what we must and can convey to her from our cultural heritage and what she, in turn, will accept from the proposed signs; secondly, it will show not only what kind of information will make up the content that it will perceive and master as a resource for its own development, but also what forms of implementation of this content will be the most effective, guaranteeing the achievement of socially significant goals, the formation of socially necessary values.

The current social state of our society generates conflict and protest among young people. Demographic trends characterize an environment of extreme distress (a drop in the birth rate, an increase in mortality, a reduction in life expectancy, an increase in the number of divorces, childless and small families, etc.), affecting young people not only as such, but also as a group of the population, which primarily ensures its reproduction. . She begins to react to the situation of deteriorating conditions of her life and the threat to her existence not only by reorienting her behavior, choosing other norms and values ​​than before, but even by direct rejection of all forms of sociality and socialization. Under these conditions, it is necessary to change the system of the main life guidelines. And this will certainly affect the most fundamental characteristics of education as an institution of socialization. After all, if we understand the desire of young people to go abroad not as a petty desire for an easy life in a field cultivated by the labor of others, but as social phenomenon, then this means to recognize it as a reflection in mass consciousness unacceptability existing conditions life. After all, even those who are ready to stay apply different measures to assess reality, form their own lifestyle. Traditional Principles and the values ​​of their parents are no longer a guide to action for them, but on the contrary.

To overcome the distrust of young people in our education system, which is abstract for them, formal value and by no means an incentive to active assimilation knowledge, is possible only if the interests and capabilities of generations are combined. We are not in a position now to pass on to the youth not only our former social values, but even their own social experience, since it was formed in a fundamentally different system of ideological guidelines and does not work in a different axiological system.

Now the subjectivity of young people has clearly manifested itself, including as an object of socialization. What is happening is not just taking into account its characteristics and opinions, but its informal inclusion on an equal footing in the process of restructuring social institutions, in working out ways for their further development. This, in turn, requires the creation of completely new forms of social communication, high degree awareness, forecasting and understanding which solutions will find an active response among the youth and form into an objective, directed and controlled process, and which ones will be rejected.


Education - purposeful cognitive activity people to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities, or to improve them.

The purpose of education is to familiarize the individual with the achievements of human civilization. The main institution of modern education is the school. Fulfilling the "order" of society, the school, along with educational institutions of other types, trains qualified personnel for various spheres of human activity.

Functions of education.

  1. Transfer of social experience (knowledge, values, norms, etc.).
  2. Accumulation and storage of the culture of society. Education supports required level cohesion of society, contributes to maintaining its stability, leads to the direct social reproduction of society as a cultural integrity.
  3. Socialization of the individual. Training of qualified personnel to maintain and increase the survival of society in the constantly changing historical conditions of its existence.
  4. Social selection (selection) of members of society, especially young people. Thanks to this, each person occupies in society the position that best satisfies his personal and social interests.
  5. Security vocational guidance person.
  6. Introduction of socio-cultural innovations. Education promotes discoveries and inventions, the development of new ideas, theories, concepts.
  7. social control. The legislation of many countries provides for compulsory education, which contributes to maintaining the stability of society.

The main directions of the ongoing education reform:

  1. democratization of the system of education and upbringing;
  2. humanization of the education process;
  3. computerization;
  4. internationalization.

During their implementation, it is expected:

  1. to modify the organization and technology of education, to make the student a full-fledged subject of the educational process;
  2. choose new system criteria for the effectiveness of education outcomes.

Modern education is a means of solving the most important problems not only of the whole society, but also of individuals. This is one of milestones in the process of socialization.

Basic elements of the education system

The education system is a complex multi-level integrity, including a number of interacting elements:

  • educational authorities and institutions subordinate to them and
  • organizations (Ministry of Education, departments, departments and ministries of education of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, etc.);
  • regulatory legal acts regulating the process of education (Constitution of the Russian Federation, Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, etc.);
  • educational institutions (schools, academies, institutes, universities, etc.);
  • educational associations (scientific societies, professional associations, creative unions, methodological advice etc.);
  • science and education infrastructure institutions (manufacturing enterprises, laboratories, printing houses, etc.);
  • educational concepts, programs, standards;
  • educational and methodical literature;
  • periodicals(magazines, newspapers, etc.).

Education is traditionally divided into general (sometimes called school) and vocational. At the initial stage of socialization of the individual, the solution of the problems of general education dominates, and as the educational level of a person rises, specialized, vocational education begins to prevail.

General education allows you to master the basics of scientific knowledge necessary for understanding the world around you, participating in public life and work. During schooling a person learns the norms, values ​​and ideals of the culture of the society in which he lives, as well as the rules of everyday behavior on the basis of universal material historical experience humanity.

Vocational education trains the creators of new cultural values ​​and is carried out mainly in specialized areas of public life (economic, political, legal, etc.). Vocational education is conditioned by the social division of labor and consists in the assimilation of special knowledge, practical skills and skills productive activity in the chosen area.

Taking into account the needs and abilities of students, education can be obtained in various forms: full-time, part-time (evening), part-time, family education, self-education, external. Combination allowed various forms getting an education. For all forms of education within a specific basic general education or basic professional educational program, there is a unified state educational standard. The Government of the Russian Federation establishes lists of professions and specialties, the acquisition of which is part-time (evening), in absentia and in the form of an external is not allowed.

As already noted, at this stage of the development of society in the Republic of Belarus, a transition is being made from a traditional society to an industrialized and dynamic society, the most important feature which is its constant change, development.

AT traditional society process is leading reproduction cultural and historical experience of mankind, in the dynamic - the process development personality, public consciousness and society as a whole. However existing system Education still mainly performs the functions of reproducing culture, transmitting knowledge, cultural patterns that formed the experience of previous generations. It can be said that education prepares a person for life in the past or traditional society, and, meanwhile, he will have to live in the future - a new, dynamic society that is constantly evolving and fundamentally different from its previous state. This is one of the main contradictions of education both in our republic and in the countries of the CIS and far abroad.

This problem can be solved through a radical change in educational practice, modernization pedagogical process at all levels of the education system. In order to determine the ways of reforming educational practice, it is necessary to consider in more detail the issue of the distinctive features of the education system inherent in a traditional and dynamic society.

Education in society implements two main features:

1) reproduction(culture, experience, activities of people);

2) development(societies, individuals).

The first function is performed by theoretical(knowledge) model of education, the second - universal(ability or activity).

Theoretical model education ensures the transmission of cultural and historical experience from generation to generation; reproduction of "ready", "completed" knowledge, skills, necessary personality for the implementation of functions existing in society (cultural, social, economic, etc.). Through a theoretical educational model, the consciousness of a person with a specific type of worldview is determined and formed: values ​​and ideals, principles and lifestyle, specific knowledge, skills and abilities . A prime example such a model of education is soviet school, which was focused on the formation of a single Marxist-Leninist worldview, communist ideals and values ​​among students. Such a theoretical model of education corresponded to a traditional type of society and has other names: traditional or subject-oriented.

The sphere of education is also a mechanism for the development of the individual and society as a whole. This development mechanism is implemented through universal educational model through preparing people for independent living in a constantly changing situation innovation activities through the development of thinking, consciousness of the individual. The universal model of education is aimed not so much at transferring knowledge, skills and abilities to students, but at developing personal abilities to acquire this knowledge and apply it in new conditions. .

In other words, the emphasis in the content of education should be shifted from the development of specific knowledge to the development universal personal abilities. From here follow other names of this model of education - universal or ability , innovative or student-oriented. In a dynamic society, important for the individual are, firstly, the ability to work in an uncertain situation - to independently and adequately solve new tasks that arise in new conditions. Secondly, the ability to personal change and self-development, in particular, to the independent formation own worldview to continuous self-education. The backbone for both groups of abilities is the personal ability to self-determination - social and cultural.That is, some personal universal abilities with the help of which a person can independently make a choice and build himself and his own life activity, form personal ideals, life principles, outlook. Such universal abilities also include: the ability to reflect; thinking; dialogue; analysis of the situation and determination of goals, methods and means of achieving them; understanding other people and joint productive activities. Many researchers (Yu.V. Gromyko, P.G. Shchedrovitsky, N.G. Alekseev and others) distinguish two groups of universal abilities: 1) the ability to act in unique (new, constantly changing) situations; 2) the ability to communicate, productive cooperation and cooperation. Thus, the implementation of a universal educational model ensures not only the appropriation of cultural and historical experience by students, but also the development of their personal abilities to master new ways of thinking and activity, relationships between people. This universal or ability model of education is characteristic of a dynamic society (see Chart 3).

Let us give a comparative analysis of the theoretical (traditional, knowledge, subject-oriented) and universal (ability, activity, personality-oriented) models of education, and also determine the distinctive features of the teacher's activity in these educational models(see tables 2,3).

Main educational functions in society

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Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education vocational education

"Far Eastern Federal University"


Department of Economics

TOPIC: Functions of Education

Leontyeva Anna Anatolyevna

Koshmanova Olesya Alexandrovna



The connection of education with all spheres of public life is realized directly through the personality included in the economic, political, spiritual, social connections. Education is the only specialized subsystem of society, the target function of which coincides with the goal of society. If various spheres and branches of the economy produce certain material and spiritual products, as well as services for a person, then the education system “produces” the person himself, influencing his intellectual, moral, aesthetic and physical development. Education ultimately determines a person's position in society, his capabilities, goals achieved in society and ways of remuneration for labor, labor itself, and worldview.

Entry into the European space, the signing of the Bologna Treaty, the introduction of a credit-modular system, the development of educational institutions of an innovative type require a new approach to the phenomenon of education, and before finding new organizational forms education and upbringing, to update the content of the educational process, the question was raised about the reformation of education and its limitation: what is right in the education system and what should this system contribute to industrial developing society. In other words, it was necessary to define and clearly delineate the functions of the education system.

Education is learning, enlightenment; the totality of knowledge acquired by special training. School, preschool and higher, basic and special educational institutions, as well as various subjects that influence the process of development and learning of the individual, specialize in the presentation of the doctrine. In modern society, the task is to form education of law-abiding citizens who respect the norms and traditions.

Education how a complex and dynamic system (social institution) can be explored at various levels of the functioning of modern society.

On the macro level(the level of society as a whole and large social groups), these are:

1) studying the possibilities of increasing the intellectual potential of society as a whole, its individual social groups and strata;

2) study of the process of intellectualization of labor in connection with the acceleration of the scientific and technical process;

On the microlevel(the level of small social groups and typological personalities) is investigated:

1) change (increase or decrease) intellectual level subjects of education (students, schoolchildren, teachers, etc.);

2) the release of participants in the educational process from stereotypical, routine (cramming) activities;

3) creation of favorable conditions for self-development (self-realization) of subjects of education.

Education as a structurally complex social system, has different, usually consecutive levels familiarizing individuals with scientific knowledge and practical experience:

1) preschool education provided in the family and preschool institutions;

2) school education - organize general education schools with family support;

3) vocational education, designed to prepare skilled workers for various sectors of the economy;

4) specialized secondary education provides training for specialists and lower-level management personnel;

5) higher education is associated with the comprehensive training of highly qualified employees and future leaders at all levels;

6) retraining and training specialists, takes into account the constantly evolving needs of social labor;

7) attestation scientific personnel - reproduces scientific elite society, improves its qualitative composition.

Different levels of education ultimately solve the same main task of education: they ensure the reproduction and optimization of the socio-professional structure labor collectives in line with the changing needs of society.

Function - the performance, implementation, purpose or role that a particular social institution or process performs in relation to the whole.

AT scientific literature take place various points vision regarding the content of education functions and their systematization.

Functions of education

The main functions of education can be divided into:

Socio-cultural, aimed at developing the spiritual life of society, where high school plays a decisive role, because it not only directly affects the formation of the individual, but also lays a sense of social responsibility, allows you to preserve, develop, broadcast the spiritual heritage.

Socio-economic, associated with the formation and development of the intellectual, scientific, technical and human potential of society, with social stratification;

Socio-political, the implementation of which makes it possible to ensure the security of society in its broadest sense, social control, social mobility, sustainable development of society, its internationalization and inclusion in general civilizational processes.

Socio-cultural functions of the institute of education

1 . humanistic(human-forming) function manifests itself in the unity of opposite, but organically related processes: socialization and individualization of personality.

In the process of socialization, a person assimilates social relations, turns them into inner essence self, on their own social qualities. However, this happens individually for each person. Therefore, education is a special social institution that ensures socialization and, at the same time, the acquisition of individual qualities by a person.

Humanization is an objective need for social development, the main vector of which is a focus on a person. Global technocracy (the power of science and technology, the problem is seen not as a human, but as a technological one, the priority is the rational achievement of the goal, destructive nature, inhumanity) as a method of thinking and principle of activity industrial society dehumanizes social relations, in such a society a person turns into a working machine, and in old age is no longer needed.

Considering the humanistic function, it should be said that with the greatest completeness the humanistic function is called upon to be realized in the system of preschool education and in general education school, and in most- in lower grades. It is here that the foundations of the intellectual, moral, physical potential of the individual are laid.

2 . social control. Education ultimately determines a person's position in society, his capabilities, goals achieved in society and ways of remuneration for labor, labor itself, worldview, etc.

3 . Transmission and dissemination of culture in society. It lies in the fact that through the institution of education there is a transfer from generation to generation of cultural values, understood in the broadest sense of the word ( scientific knowledge, achievements in the field of art, moral values ​​and norms, rules of conduct, experience and skills inherent in various professions, etc.).

Throughout the history of mankind, education has been the main source of knowledge, a tool for enlightening society. From it comes such a function of education as the generation and preservation of the culture of society.

4 . Reproduction social types culture. Education gives knowledge manufacturability, constructive forms, thanks to which it becomes possible to systematize, compose, broadcast and accumulate it in increasing volumes. The transfer of knowledge and experience is becoming dynamic, massive, and open.

5 . Cultural innovation through education selectively. The public education system transmits only a part of the innovations achieved in culture. Innovations are accepted from the mainstream of the dominant culture that do not pose a threat to the integrity of this social organization (the stability of its management structures). In relation to other innovations, even progressive ones, the education system can act as a kind of barrier.

6 . Formation and reproduction of social intelligence(mentality, certain industries and social technologies of intellectual activity) includes the dissemination of essential knowledge through training, instilling cognitive skills in individuals.

The education system has become a diversified complex, its goal is not just the transfer of knowledge and personal development, but intellectual support development of society. World leaders seek to control educational complexes in different areas of the world, transferring their educational technologies or other models specially developed for other countries.

7 . Formation in the younger generation of attitudes, value orientations, life ideals that prevail in a given society. Thanks to this, young people join the life of society, socialize and integrate into the social system.

Teaching the language, history of the fatherland, literature, principles of morality and morality is a prerequisite for the formation of a shared system of values ​​among the younger generation, thanks to which people learn to understand other people and themselves, and become conscious citizens of the country. The content of the process of socialization and upbringing of children carried out by the education system largely depends on the value standards prevailing in society, morality, religion, and ideology.

8 . educational function education is to ensure the processes of socialization of the individual and its civil formation, transferring domestic and world cultural and historical experience to new generations.

9. Teaching function education is to ensure the process of mastering a person with knowledge, skills and abilities within the framework of educational institutions and various spheres of society.

The above-described functions of education are components of such a function of education as the socialization of the individual, especially young people, and its integration into society. It is educational institutions (and not only them) that prepare certain skills in a person to perform a certain task. social role with a certain status.

Socio-economic functions of education

1 . Formation of professional and qualification structure population. From a quantitative point of view, the education system is responsible for the reproduction of the vocational and educational composition of the population. Its productivity and innovative activity somewhat increases with the growth of general education.

The excess of the educational level over the requirements of the workplace plays a positive role in production, creates a reserve of the creative potential of the individual, qualification and social advancement of the person. The same circumstance strengthens the contradiction between the claims of the owner of excessive education and the expectations of the surrounding people.

2 . Formation of consumer standards of the population. Education can bring rational standards to the material needs of people, promote the formation of a resource-saving economy, as well as a stable and favorable human environment. In market conditions, such a function is opposed to the interests of business, although it is more in line with national interests.

3 . Attraction of economic resources. As you know, the most profitable investment of capital is an investment in education.

4 . Internal distribution of economic and other resources. Such areas of activity are provided with resources that are focused on education and on the “non-educational” space ( material aid students, maintenance of commercial, research, design and other structures).

5 . social selection- one of essential functions institute of formal education. It follows directly from humanistic function; The structure of the educational process is arranged in such a way that it makes it possible, already at the very initial stages, to carry out differentiated approach to students (to change the profile of education for students who cannot cope, to encourage talented and capable ones).

In a number of countries, including our country, there are special educational programs for creatively gifted youth, educational work which is certainly encouraged, and for maximum development favorable conditions are created for their makings.

In modern society, the search for and education of talented youth is elevated to the rank public policy in the field of education, since the rapid development of science and technological progress in many other areas requires a constant influx of talented young people.

The selection process, the selection of the most capable of learning students is carried out modern school as if automatically, has as its main task the selection and differentiation of young people not only according to their abilities and talents, but also in accordance with individual interests, opportunities, and value orientations.

After a compulsory nine-year education, a significant part of young people go to study in technical schools, others continue their studies in secondary school, and some of its graduates enter universities. After graduating from high school, some start working in national economy, others go to graduate school, make a scientific career.

From the sociological point of view, the consequences of the selection process carried out by the institute of education are extremely important, since its end result (when various groups young people complete their education in various educational institutions) is the placement of people in various positions in the social structure of society.

Through this, the reproduction and renewal of the social structure of society is achieved, without which the normal functioning of the latter is impossible.

Another important aspect of the process of social placement is that it triggers the mechanism of social mobility; obtaining a profession, occupying a social position in the structure of an organization, as a rule, opens the way for many people to a professional career, moving up the ladder of official hierarchies and powers of authority.

The system of education, mainly higher education, in a modern industrial society serves as the most important channel of social mobility, since without a university diploma it is impossible to get a prestigious and highly paid job.

6 . Professional. Reproduction of those social classes, groups and strata, belonging to which is conditioned by educational certificates. Educational institutions provide individuals with unequal education, which is a condition for occupying appropriate places in systems of division of labor (and social stratification).

7 . As how everyone in society large quantity achievable statuses due to education, such a function of education as activation of social movements.

8 . The function of social and cultural change. It manifests itself in the creation of a knowledge base for further non-stop education. Implemented in the process of scientific research, scientific achievements and discoveries that are held within the walls of higher educational institutions, specializing various kinds pedagogical activity, standardization of the educational process.

9 . Security career guidance with youth. Starting with teenagers, educational institutions are simply obliged to conduct it. The essence of career guidance is to form a more competent composition of graduates and skilled workers.

Socio-political functions

The formation of personality is one of the vital interests of the state and groups, therefore, legal norms and political values ​​that reflect political interests groups that dictate the direction of development in a given society and seek to control the school.

Instilling acceptable (shared) legal and political values ​​and norms in educational communities. Any political system begins by fighting for old school or create a new one. In this sense, formal education ensures the promotion of law-abiding legal and political behavior, as well as the reproduction of the state (dominant) ideology. This is how the school promotes patriotism.

The transformation of the world from bipolar to unipolar led to the allocation of the function of ensuring national security. True security, taking into account the progress of world civilization, is determined by the level of development of human resources as the main prerequisite for creating its scientific, economic, socio-cultural and spiritual potential.

Apart from this conditional classification such functions are worth it. Replacement of parents social support students for the period of their stay within the walls of the educational institution.

In fulfilling this function, education, and especially the pre-professional school, reproduces cultural stereotypes and role differentiation inherent in the family. The formation of educational communities associated with involvement in educational processes and a value attitude to education, and their reproduction, which consist of the following main elements: leaders and organizers of education, teachers and students. Other features.


Thus, education performs the following functions:

* is a way of socialization of the individual and continuity of generations;

* an environment for communication and familiarization with world values, achievements of science and technology;

* accelerates the process of development and formation of a person as a person, subject and individuality;

* ensures the formation of spirituality in a person and his worldview of value orientations and moral principles.

Main functions education can be divided into three main groups: economic, social and cultural.

1.Economic the functions of education are connected:

firstly, with the formation of the socio-professional structure of labor collectives;

secondly, with the training and advanced training of workers needed in the sphere of material production.

2. Social functions of education can be considered:

firstly, as a condition for the reproduction and development of the social structure of society as a whole (to become a doctor, scientist, teacher, member of other social systems possible only through the institution of education);

secondly, as a means of social movement (for example, a worker who graduated from a university goes into the intelligentsia layer)

3.Cultural the functions of education are due to:

firstly, the preservation and transfer of the results (achievements) of education for the formation of personality, the development of its creative activity(knowledge, social norms, spiritual values);

secondly, the requirements of the socialization of the individual (as elements of education) are associated with the assimilation of the values ​​and norms required by society, which are necessary to fulfill the corresponding social roles.

It can be concluded that education modern world, thanks to its functions, plays an integrative role in the formation of social communities, social institutions of society, the formation of an interacting personality. Education is the only institution of society on which the greatest number of relationships between social communities and their representatives is built.

Thanks to investments in quality education significantly increases the power of the country's economy. Education prepares ready-made patterns of behavior for humanity and determines the possibility of their development. It is thanks to education that the exchange of knowledge, information, and, consequently, opportunities between the strata of society, between teams, states, people is carried out; this is how the communicative function of education is carried out. Various Functions educations cause interaction, integration in society, which determines the humanitarian function of education, from which all other functions of education come, the role and importance of which in society is very significant.


1) Berezovsky V. A., Semenova T. Yu., Lukyanova A. V. Economic nature education//Economics of education/Publishing house of the Modern humanitarian university(SGU). Modern Humanitarian Academy, Moscow - 2013 - №5 - С.4-11

2) Borisov E. F. Economic theory: Textbook - 2nd ed. / Borisov E. F. - M .: Prospect, 2010. - 535 p.

3) Integration of education, science and business in an industrialized region in the post-crisis period / S. A. Mokhnachev, K. S. Mokhnachev, N. P. Shameva // Quality. Innovation. Education: magazine - 2012. - No. 7. - pp. 19-24

4) Role higher education in the national economy / A.I. Tyupaeva, V.A. Beskrovina // Economics of education: journal. - B. m. - 2012. - No. 5. - S. 5 - 22

5) Timoshenkov I.V. The education system as an object of study of economic theory: from classical to new institutional economics// Economics of Education/ Kostroma State University them. N. A. Nekrasova - 2013 - No. 2 - S. 108a - 112

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Education is the process of becoming and learning a person, aimed at the formation and development of his mental and physical capabilities, the acquisition of knowledge and skills.

The state is interested in ensuring that every citizen has an education that meets the accepted standard. Without education is currently unthinkable Active participation citizens in public life, in production, in all spheres state activities Therefore, in many states education is compulsory. The state encourages and develops the arts, ensures freedom of creative activity for citizens. Three functions of the state in education should be distinguished, namely:

  1. Promoting the development of education (participation in the development of new curricula, new standards of secondary education);
  2. Control over the quality of education (checking schools, conducting a unified state education);
  3. Providing assistance to cultural institutions (financing of cultural palaces, libraries, etc.).

Education is a social institution, one of the substructures of society. The content of education reflects the state of society and the transition from one state to another. Currently, this is a transition from the industrial society of the twentieth century. to the post-industrial information society of the XXI century. The development and functioning of education are conditioned by all factors and conditions of the existence of society: economic, political, social, cultural, etc.

Education reflects such structural elements social institution, as:

  1. the presence of a special form of organization of people's life;
  2. special institutions for such an organization with an appropriate group of persons authorized to perform the necessary social functions and roles for the management and control of activities;
  3. norms and principles of relations between these officials and members of society included in the orbit of this social institution, as well as sanctions for failure to comply with these norms and principles;
  4. necessary material resources (public buildings, equipment, finances, etc.);
  5. special functions and areas of activity.

In general, the main functions of culture and education can be divided into:

  • socio-cultural aimed at developing the spiritual life of society, where higher education plays a decisive role, because it not only directly affects the formation of the individual, but also lays a sense of social responsibility, allows you to preserve, develop, broadcast the spiritual heritage.
  • socio-economic associated with the formation and development of the intellectual, scientific, technical and human potential of society, with social stratification;
  • socio-political, the implementation of which makes it possible to ensure the security of society in its broadest sense, social control, social mobility, sustainable development of society, its internationalization and inclusion in general civilizational processes.

At the same time, it should be noted that the interaction and interweaving of the above functions is quite high. The main criterion of education is the consistency of knowledge and the consistency of thinking, manifested in the fact that a person is able to independently restore the missing links in the knowledge system with the help of logical reasoning. Through education, culture is transmitted from one generation to another. Thus, it should be said that the main function of education is the transmission of the values ​​of a particular culture.

Education, like any social subsystem, has its own structure. So, in the structure of education, we can distinguish:

  • educational institutions (schools, colleges, universities);
  • social groups(teachers, students, pupils);
  • educational process(the process of transferring and assimilation of knowledge, skills, abilities, values).

Education can also be classified as:

1. depending on the amount of knowledge gained and achieved level independence of thought:

  • initial;
  • the average;
  • higher.

2. depending on the nature and direction:

  • general - gives knowledge of the foundations of the sciences of nature, society, man, forms a dialectical-materialistic worldview, develops cognitive abilities. General education provides an understanding of the basic patterns of development in the world around a person, the training and labor skills necessary for each person, and a variety of practical skills .;
  • professional - mastering certain knowledge and skills in a particular profession and specialty;
  • polytechnic - introduces the basic principles modern production, develops skills in handling the simplest tools that are used in everyday life.

In addition to preschool, general and vocational education, sometimes there are:

  • additional education, which takes place in parallel with the main one - circles, sections, Sunday schools, courses;
  • self-education - independent work to acquire knowledge about the world, experience, cultural property. Self-education is a free and active way of cultural self-improvement, which allows to achieve best success in educational activities.

According to the forms of training during structuring, full-time, part-time, external, according to an individual plan, distance forms are distinguished.

Therefore, education is one of the main aspects human life. Through education, culture is passed on from generation to generation. At the same time, an important role in the development of education and cultural life the person wins back the state, because without its assistance this process is impossible.