Modern educational technologies Selevko G.K. Selevko

Academician of MANPO, professor, candidate pedagogical sciences

creative path

Selevko German Konstantinovich was born on February 15, 1932 in the city of Yaroslavl in a family of teachers. I went to school from the age of seven and, being a very capable student, became an excellent student. But heavy post-war years brought him to chemical-mechanical college. He began his working biography at the factory, from where he was drafted into the ranks Soviet army and sent to the military flight school. Already in the technical school and the school, the pedagogical talent of G.K. Selevko: he has always been an assistant to teachers, helping those who are lagging behind learn.

In 1954, having retired to the redundancy reserve, he entered the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical Institute. K.D. Ushinsky, who graduated in 1959 with a degree in physics and basics of production. He successfully combined his studies at the institute with the work of an evening school teacher, where his pedagogical (methodical) talent flourished, and the first printed works appeared. After graduating from college, he advanced teacher was invited to work as an inspector of the city Department of Public Education, where he led the process of transition of secondary schools to 11-year education.

In 1962 he entered the graduate school of the Research Institute evening schools Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR, which he graduated ahead of schedule and in 1964 he defended the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences.

After that, G.K. Selevko comes to teaching, working simultaneously at the school and at the Yaroslavl Pedagogical Institute. Here he goes from teacher to dean of the faculty.

In 1967 he was awarded academic title associate professor

The work on training new cadres of teachers G.K. Selevko combined with the work to improve the skills of teachers in the city and region.

In 1974 G.K. Selevko is awarded the badge "Excellence in Public Education".

In 1985 he was invited to create the Department of Pedagogy in Yaroslavl regional institute advanced training. Working as the head of the department, associate professor G.K. Selevko brought a lot of new things to the activity of this institution. For 10 years, at the department headed by him, personnel were raised to open new departments. In 1989 he was awarded the academic title of professor for his successful scientific and pedagogical activity. Being a supporter of progressive pedagogical innovations, he is the initiator of the creation in 1990 of the faculty social pedagogy in the Yaroslavl IPK.

Behind vigorous activity for the preparation teaching staff G.K. Selevko was awarded the medal. K.D. Ushinsky.

In his research, G.K. Selevko consistently develops a technological approach in education. As part of this approach, he developed original concepts: self-education of schoolchildren, the content of the work of a class teacher, a humane-personally-oriented approach to students, a conceptual social educator, the concept of working with difficult children, as well as innovative educational technology - the technology of self-development and self-improvement of the personality of students, the basis of which is the paradigm of self-development. Of particular importance was the use and development at the technological level of the ideas of Academician A.A. Ukhtomsky about the education of the dominant self-improvement of the child's personality.

The outpost of the practical development of the technology has become its experimental base, which includes more than 150 experimental sites in the Russian Federation and neighboring countries.

In 2000 G.K. Selevko is awarded a medal for the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd class.

But the main business of G.K. Selevko is the "Encyclopedia of Educational Technologies", published in two volumes in 2006 by the publishing house " public education". The author's work on generalization and integration pedagogical technologies, conceptual and methodological analysis made it possible to reveal the essence of modern pedagogical ideas and patterns that are reflected in specific technologies, to understand the potential pedagogical management the educational process and the development of students and implement them in the practice of teaching.

Educator of modernity Selevko German Konstantinovich - academician of IANP, professor, candidate of pedagogical sciences

“Children should be brought up not for the present, but for the future”

  • creative path
  • Selevko German Konstantinovich was born on February 15, 1932 in the city of Yaroslavl in a family of teachers. I went to school from the age of seven and, being a very capable student, became an excellent student. But the difficult post-war years brought him to the chemical-mechanical college. He began his working career at a factory, from where he was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet Army and sent to a military flight school. Already in the technical school and the school, the pedagogical talent of G.K. Selevko: he has always been an assistant to teachers, helping those who are lagging behind learn.
  • In 1954, having retired to the redundancy reserve, he entered the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical Institute. K.D. Ushinsky, who graduated in 1959 with a degree in physics and basics of production. He successfully combined his studies at the institute with the work of an evening school teacher, where his pedagogical (methodical) talent flourished and his first printed works appeared. After graduating from the institute, he, as an advanced teacher, was invited to work as an inspector of the city Department of Public Education, where he led the process of transitioning secondary schools to 11-year education.
  • In 1962, he entered the graduate school of the Research Institute of Evening Schools of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR, which he completed ahead of schedule and in 1964 he defended the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.
  • After that, G.K. Selevko comes to teaching, working simultaneously at the school and at the Yaroslavl Pedagogical Institute. Here he goes from teacher to dean of the faculty.
  • In 1967 he was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor.
  • The work on training new cadres of teachers G.K. Selevko combined with the work to improve the skills of teachers in the city and region. His methodical works: Electrical circuits and their schemes in the courses of physics and electrical engineering of high school", "Fundamentals of molecular kinetic theory in high school”, “Issues of optics in optional courses”, a semi-programmed manual “Collection of tasks for repeating the course of physics” were distributed in all secondary schools in the region.
  • In 1974 G.K. Selevko is awarded the badge "Excellence in Public Education".
  • In 1985, he was invited to create the Department of Pedagogy at the Yaroslavl Regional Institute for Advanced Studies. Working as the head of the department, associate professor G.K. Selevko brought a lot of new things to the activity of this institution. For 10 years, at the department headed by him, personnel were raised to open new departments. In 1989 he was awarded the academic title of professor for his successful scientific and pedagogical activity. Being a supporter of progressive pedagogical innovations, he is the initiator of the creation in 1990 of the faculty of social pedagogy in the Yaroslavl IPK.
  • During the period of the rise of the social and pedagogical movement in the country, G.K. Selevko becomes an active champion of the restructuring of the school on the basis of humanism and democracy. He writes a number of articles on the pedagogy of cooperation, summarizes the experience of teachers in the region (“Improving methodological training students”, “Pedagogy of cooperation: guidelines”, “New pedagogical thinking" and etc.). Leading innovative work educational institutions in the region since 1990, G.K. Selevko participated in the creation of most gymnasiums, lyceums and socio-pedagogical complexes in the region. This experience has been summarized in a number of publications.
  • For active work in the preparation of teaching staff G.K. Selevko was awarded the medal. K.D. Ushinsky.

Technology of self-development of the student's personality

  • The technology of self-developing (according to G.K. Selevko) education includes all the essential qualities of developmental education technologies and complements them with the following most important features:
  • The activity of the child is organized not only as a satisfaction of the cognitive need, but also a number of other needs for the self-development of the individual:
  • in self-affirmation (self-education, self-education, self-determination, freedom of choice);
  • in self-expression (communication, creativity and self-creation, search, identification of one's abilities and strengths);
  • in security (self-determination, career guidance, self-regulation, collective activity);
  • in self-actualization (achieving personal and social goals, preparing oneself for adaptation in society, social tests).

“Society needs highly educated, enterprising and enterprising young people who are able to creatively reform our society, increase intellectual potential countries. Therefore, students must be prepared for new social relations, socially hardened, morally stable, must be prepared to meet difficulties, be healthy physically and mentally. And most importantly, they must be capable of self-development, of continuous self-improvement.”


Personal self-development through project activities

  • Formation of a person of the ability to educate and develop himself, a person of high morality, deep intellect and strong will.
  • Creating school motivation for entry educational activities;
  • Helping students find, understand and accept the goals and content of the educational process;
  • Introduction to theoretical and practices and models "Self-development of personality";
  • Formation and ability of self-education and self-development;
  • Creation of an educational environment that forms students' needs for self-improvement.


If we create motivation for school teachers to carry out educational activities, ensure the creation of conditions for the development of educational activities, this will improve the quality of the personality of students and allow them to create a single educational space for the student.

CHILDREN'S PUBLIC ASSOCIATION "Kuluhun" through self-development of personality

Club steps elementary grades, 5-11 in grades, asset "Kuluun" and additional education “Self-development of the individual through project activities.

  • Number of students -146 (girls - 76, boys - 69)

1 step (1-4 cells) - 53

2nd step (5-9 cells) -54

3rd step (10-11 cells) -39

Primary classes:

Awareness of one's "I"

Middle classes: "Self-education of will and character"


As a result of the study of educational work through the self-development of the personality, an attitude to improve oneself is formed, self-knowledge develops from the awareness of one's "I", self-control and self-esteem of the student. Self-development of the personality is formed at school. As a result, observations have more high level, including not only cognitive, but also moral, volitional qualities. The first results indicate that great opportunities self-development of the individual.

In the main government documents that relate to educational institutions, pedagogical technologies often appear. Classification, table, features are presented below.

Postulates of modern education

The ideology used in the modern school involves the allocation of three main points in the formation of a harmoniously developed personality:

  • search for effective means for the development of the younger generation;
  • the transformation of the school into a promising factor in the improvement of Russian society;
  • improvement of the Russian educational system through the introduction of new educational technologies

Innovations as a Means of Development of Russian Schools

What are the Classification (table according to GEF) practically does not differ from classical system, it presents all the same innovative methods used by teachers at different levels of schoolchildren's education. The class-lesson system of classes involves the use by teachers of certain programs in the subject, so the classification of pedagogical learning technologies is carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of each specific academic discipline.

What is technology?

The very word "technology" has various interpretations. For example, in a general sense, this is a detailed way of conducting certain activities based on the chosen method. Regarding technologies, we note that we are talking on the construction of the teacher's activity in such a way that it includes actions performed in strict sequence, with the obligatory promotion of a predictable result.

Technology features

The methodological system must respond to next questions: "How to teach?", "What to teach?", "Why teach?".

Educational technology involves effective learning. There are certain criteria according to which the essence of educational technologies is formulated:

  • strict and unambiguous identification of the purpose of training;
  • choice of content, structuring of the material;
  • optimal organization of educational activities;
  • techniques, methods, teaching aids.

In addition, the qualifications of the teacher should be taken into account, and an objective method of grading should be formed.

Signs of pedagogical technologies

What is the classification of pedagogical technologies according to Selevko? The table proposed by the author takes into account certain features:

  • guaranteed achievement of the set goal, the effectiveness of the learning process;
  • profitability of the reserve of training hours;
  • optimization of the teacher's activities and achievement of the planned results in the shortest time intervals;
  • the use of a variety of electronic computing and audiovisual equipment;
  • design and use of various didactic aids and visual materials.

What is pedagogical technology focused on?

Below is a table: "Pedagogical technologies". The classification is based on certain parameters:

  • formation of positive motivation for the educational process;
  • intensification of the communicative environment;
  • development of a personality that is capable of research and educational activities, subsequent continuation of education, conscious professional choice;
  • health protection of schoolchildren.

The specifics of technologies in pedagogy

Classification according to the Federal State Educational Standards of educational technologies in foreign and domestic pedagogy is carried out by different authors absolutely different. Due to the fact that, according to the new educational standards, the child’s personality itself comes to the fore, the following technologies are identified as priorities:

  1. differentiated learning. What are such pedagogical technologies? Classification, the table in the preschool educational institution is compiled taking into account psychological features children, is based on a multi-level approach to each baby. When compiling educational material, the educator focuses on motivation cognitive activity their subordinates. Experienced teacher includes in his professional activities elements of the differential approach proposed by N. P. Guzik.
  2. Project activity. The classification of modern pedagogical technologies involves the allocation of this technique in a separate block. It is during the design process that modern preschoolers and students of educational institutions, the ability to work in a team is formed. The teacher acts as a mentor, so the younger generation gets the opportunity to self-develop, to understand their role in modern society. The guys who have mastered the project technology are more successful in their studies, they quickly adapt to modern realities.
  3. Game technologies. The classification of modern pedagogical technologies involves the allocation of the game as effective remedy education and upbringing in preschool and junior school age. In the process of playing activities, the children receive communication skills, generalize and systematize new knowledge.

But this is not the whole table: "Pedagogical technologies". The classification is constantly being upgraded, taking into account innovations introduced into the educational system. Among the latest trends - interactive technologies. Taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the table "Pedagogical technologies" was modernized. The classification according to G. K. Selevko now also includes group teaching methods. Thanks to them, the formation under conditions secondary school tolerant, sociable personality, having leadership skills. Such technologies significantly increase the efficiency of mastering the program material by schoolchildren.

Problem learning

This technique is based on a heuristic (problem) approach. Students acquire skills and abilities in the process independent activity resulting in the development of their creative and cognitive abilities.

Application in modern educational system perspective-advancing learning is allowed by the Federal State Educational Standard of the second generation. Children learn to solve problems different ways applying specific knowledge depending on the specifics of the situation. With this approach, each child has the opportunity to self definition ways to solve problems.

Technology of pedagogical workshops

What is the table "Pedagogical technologies"? The classification of all methods and techniques, the effectiveness of which has been proven in practice, takes into account childhood, the methodology of the subject.

Research in the modern school

Modeling, experiment, method of projects are impossible without the use of research technologies. In conditions school laboratory children learn to determine the quantitative content in various fruits and products of ascorbic acid, to identify individual characteristics food products. When conducting research, a teacher is attached to the children as a mentor. Experienced teacher only accompanies the experiment, provides his ward with the necessary theoretical information, teaches practical skills. Among the innovations, we note the technology for solving inventive (research) TRIZ problems. In order for the student to be able to independently look for ways to solve the problem assigned to him by the teacher, he first studies scientific literary sources. Together with the teacher, the young researcher sets tasks, determines the relevance, puts forward a hypothesis of his experiments. An important milestone in any design and experimental activity is the processing of the results obtained, comparing them with the original hypothesis.

What is the classification of modern pedagogical technologies? The table proposed by Selevko contains universal methods. They're in equally suitable for everyone educational areas. For example, a variety of ICT technologies are electronic educational resources(EOR). The children get the skills to work with a variety of sources of information, independently compose their educational routes.

Cooperation Pedagogy

In order to implement a humane-personal approach to the student, in modern schools all conditions are created for the children to consciously choose the direction for their future professional activity.

Collective creative activities were especially popular during the existence of the traditional Soviet system education. The guys in whole classes helped the elderly to clean firewood, carry water. Currently this technology returns to educational institutions in the form of Teachers, together with their pupils, try to selflessly help those people who need their help. MAO (method active learning) is the sum pedagogical techniques and actions that are aimed at organizing educational activities. With the help of certain means, conditions are created that motivate children to be proactive, independent and creative learning new material in the process of educational activities.

The nuances of traditional methods

Traditional technologies are based on explanatory and illustrative teaching. In the case of using such technology, the teacher in his work pays Special attention transfer of finished educational material. In preparation for the lessons, the teacher is looking for the most effective ways presentation of new knowledge, visibility that accompanies his story. Presentation of information that is defined by boundaries curriculum, mainly involves the monologue of the teacher. It is for this reason that many problems often appear in the educational process:

  • insignificant skills of independent activity of schoolchildren;
  • low culture of communication;
  • lack of a detailed full-fledged response of schoolchildren to the question under consideration;
  • minimal attention of the audience, lack of desire to work in a team.

The reason lies not at all in the unwillingness of children to work and study, but in the specifics of the pedagogical technology itself. The teacher is forced to tell the material provided for curriculum, the child learns information, receives an assessment for the answer. The teacher comes to class with ready task, his task is to subordinate the class to a certain regime, to involve the guys in learning activities. about any individual development personality in this case is out of the question. In order for all pupils to learn the minimum amount of information, there is a repeated repetition of the material, intermediate, final types of control are used.

Older teachers are accustomed to this method of work, they are convinced that only through "cramming" can a solid stock of knowledge, skills, and practical skills be passed on to the younger generation. results statistical studies indicate that 73% teaching staff We are convinced that it is important to establish contact. Children note the need for independent activity, in their understanding, the teacher should become an assistant and mentor, and not a “supervisor”.


The demands that modern society to the teacher, the educational process, involve the use innovative methods and working methods. Federal educational standards the second generation involves the choice of such methods of work that would contribute to harmonious development schoolchildren. Gone are the days when the teacher was the main character in the lesson. GEF suggest Active participation in educational process the student himself, help him in finding effective ways for increase intellectual level, choice of direction for future professional activity. All varieties of educational pedagogical technologies, the classification according to the Federal State Educational Standards of which is presented in the educational institution, help the teacher to successfully cope with the tasks assigned to him by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Selevko G.K.


public education

V.G. Bocharova - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Moscow
K.Ya. Vazina - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Professional, Pedagogical Technologies VGIPA, Nizhny Novgorod
A.G. Kasprzhak - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Honored. Russian school teacher, Moscow
A.M. Kushnir - doctor psychological sciences, Moscow
O.G. Levina - candidate of pedagogical sciences, deputy. Director of MOU "Provincial
college, Yaroslavl
R.V. Ovcharova - Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head. department
general and social psychology KSU, Kurgan
E.N. Stepanov - Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Head. Department of Theory and Methods of Education IPKRO, Pskov

Selevko G.K.
Encyclopedia of educational technologies. In 2 vols. T. 1. - M .: Public education,
The book presents teaching aid new generation. It consists of two volumes, the contents of the second volume being a direct continuation of the first; their separation is dictated by an exceptionally large amount of material.
About 500 technologies are described in the two-volume book. The logic of presentation is based on the classification of technologies
in the direction of modernization traditional system learning. In addition, the manual describes not only learning technologies, but also educational and socio-educational technologies, highlighted in a separate chapter.
pedagogical technologies based on the use of modern information tools
Methodological basis book is the concept of educational technology G.K. Selevko, according to
which technology is a combination of three main interrelated components: scientific, formally descriptive and procedurally effective.
In each of the technologies, a scientific and conceptual basis is clearly traced, the essence and features of the content and methods used are outlined, necessary material for development. Characteristics
technologies are provided with examples of their historical and genetic prototypes (heading "Forerunners, Varieties, Followers"). The manual also includes test questions to the content of the chapters and the answers to them.
The book guides the reader to wide world educational technologies of the present and past, as well as
represents some technologies of the future. Designed for students of pedagogical educational institutions, teachers and a wide range education workers.

Selevko G.K.
public education

Table of contents
Preface to the first volume ............................................... ................................................. ........ 7
Introduction: Technological approach in education .............................................. ......................nine
I. Basic psychological and pedagogical concepts of educational technologies.................................12
1.1. The main categories and patterns of pedagogy .............................................. ...............12
1.2. The personality of the child as an object and subject in educational technology ..............................................16
1.3. Knowledge, skills, skills (KN) .............................................. ................................................. . 20
1.4. Ways mental actions(COURT)............................................... .................................22
1.5. Self-governing mechanisms of personality (SUM).................................................. ....................23
1.6. The area of ​​aesthetic and moral qualities Personality (SEN) .............................................. 25
1.7. Effective-Practical Sphere of Personality (SPD).................................................................. ...................26
1.8. Sphere creative qualities(STK)....................................................... ..............................27
1.9. Sphere of psychophysiological development (SPFR) .............................................................. ...................28
1.10. Age and individual characteristics of personality .............................................................. ........28
Questions and tasks for self-control ............................................... ................................................. 32

II. Theoretical Foundations modern educational and pedagogical
technologies................................................. ................................................. ....................................34
2.1. Modern interpretations of the concept of pedagogical technology .............................................35
2.2. The structure of pedagogical technology .............................................................. .................................37
2.3. Terminological relationships .............................................................. ................................39
2.4. The main qualities of modern pedagogical technologies.................................................................43
2.5. Scientific Foundations pedagogical technologies .................................................................. ................... 46
2.6. Classification of pedagogical technologies .............................................................. ......................... 53
2.7. Description, analysis and examination of pedagogical technology .............................................. ... 59
Questions and tasks for self-control ............................................... ................................................. 65

III. Contemporary traditional education(THEN)............................................... ......................... 66
3.1. Classical traditional class-lesson technology of teaching .............................................. 68
3.2. Technology of classical and modern lesson .................................................................. .................75
Lesson in a small rural school .............................................. ............................................. 81

3.3. Ways to improve traditional technology .............................................................. ............84
Questions and tasks for self-control ............................................... ................................................. 89

IV. Pedagogical technologies based on humane-personal orientation
pedagogical process .................................................................. ................................................. .......... 90
4.1. Pedagogy of cooperation .................................................. ................................................. 92
4.2. Humane-personal technology Sh.A. Amonashvili .................................................. ...... 107
4.3. E.N. system Ilyina: teaching literature as a subject that forms a person
4.4. Technology of vitagenic education (A.S. Belkin) .............................................. .................113
Forerunners, varieties, followers .............................................. ......................................... 116
Questions and tasks for self-control ............................................... ............................................... 123

V. Pedagogical technologies based on the activation and intensification of activities
students ( active methods learning) ................................................ ................................. 124
5.1. Game technologies .................................................................. ................................................. ..........127
Gaming technologies in preschool period................................................................................ 130
Game technologies at primary school age .............................................. ....................... 132
Game technologies in middle and senior school age.................................................................. ........ 133

5.2. Problem learning......................................................................................................... 140
5.3. Technology of modern project-based learning .............................................................. .................145
5.4. Interactive technologies................................................................................................ 153
Technology "Development critical thinking through reading and writing” (RKChP) .................155

Discussion technique .................................................................................. ................................................. 158
Debate technology .............................................................. ................................................. ...................... 161
Training technologies .................................................................. ................................................. .............. 168

5.5. Technology communicative learning foreign language culture (E.I. Passov) ............... 181
5.6. Learning intensification technology based on schematic and sign models of educational
material (V.F. Shatalov).................................................. ................................................. ............. 186
Questions and tasks for self-control ............................................... ............................................... 191

VI. Pedagogical technologies based on the effectiveness of management and organization
educational process ................................................................ ................................................. ......................193
6.1. Technology of programmed learning .............................................................. ....................... 196
6.2. Technologies of level differentiation ............................................................... ............................203
Model "Intra-class (intra-subject) differentiation" (N.P. Guzik).......................205
Model "Level differentiation of training based on mandatory results" (V.V.
Firsov) ................................................ ................................................. ................................................. 207
Model "Mixed differentiation" (subject-lesson differentiation, "model
consolidated groups", "stratum" differentiation).................................................. ................................. 208

6.3. Technology differentiated learning on the interests of children (I.N. Zakatova) ........ 213
Model " Profile training"................................................. ................................................. 216

6.4. Technologies of individualization of education (I. Unt, A.S. Granitskaya, V.D. Shadrikov)....224
Model customized educational programs within the technology of productive
education ................................................. ................................................. ................................. 229
The model of individual educational programs in specialized education ..........................................230

6.5. Collective way of teaching CSR (A.G. Rivin, V.K. Dyachenko)................................. 240
Vertical version (Krasnoyarsk) .............................................. ............................................... 242
Horizontal options .................................................................. ................................................. ............ 244

6.6. Technologies of group activity............................................................... ................................. 250
Model: group work in class................................................ ............................................... 252
Model: teaching in groups and classes of different ages (RWG).................................................................. ........... 256
Collective creative solution problems ................................................. ............... 258

6.7. Technology S.N. Lysenkova: prospective-anticipatory learning using
reference circuits under commented control .............................................................. .........................261
Questions and tasks for self-control ............................................... ............................................... 264

VII. Pedagogical technologies based on didactic improvement and
material reconstruction .................................................................. .................................................266
7.1. "Ecology and Dialectics" (L.V. Tarasov).................................................. ................................... 269
7.2. “Dialogue of cultures” (V.S. Bibler, S.Yu. Kurganov)................................. ............................. 274
7.3. Enlargement of didactic units - UDE (P.M. Erdniev)................................................. .......279
7.4. Implementation of the theory of the phased formation of mental actions (P.Ya. Galperin,
N.F. Talyzina, M.B. Volovich) ................................................ ................................................. 282
7.5. Technology modular learning(P.I. Tretyakov, I.B. Sennovsky, M.A. Choshanov). 287
7.6. Technologies of integration in education............................................................... ................................. 293
Integral educational technology V.V. Guzeeva................................................. ............ 294
Model "Technology of education of ecological culture" ............................................. ............ 298
Model global education.................................................................................................. 302
The concept of holistic pedagogy .............................................................. ................................................. 304
Concept civic education.......................................................................................... 307

7.7. Models for integrating content into academic disciplines ah..................................................310
Model "Integration (combination) of academic disciplines" .................................................. ...... 311
"Synchronization" Model parallel programs, training courses and themes.......................312
Model of intersubject communications ............................................................... ................................................. ..... 312

7.8. Concentrated learning technologies .................................................................. .........................314
Model of suggestive immersion ............................................................... ................................................. 316
Time immersion model by M.P. Shchetinina .............................................. ....................... 317
The technology of concentration of learning with the help of sign-symbolic structures .............................319

Peculiarities of ideographic models ............................................................... ......................................... 322

7.9. Didactic multidimensional technology V.E. Steinberg..............................................326
Questions and tasks for self-control ............................................... ............................................... 333

VIII. Private-subject pedagogical technologies .............................................................. ...........335
8.1. technology early and intensive training literacy (N.A. Zaitsev)....................... 337
8.2. Technology for improving general educational skills in primary school(V.N. Zaitsev)
8.3. Technology of teaching mathematics based on problem solving (R.G. Khazankin).................................342
8.4. System-Based Pedagogical Technology effective lessons(A.A. Okunev).....345
8.5. The system of step-by-step teaching of physics (N.N. Paltyshev).................................................. ........... 348
8.6. Technology musical education schoolchildren D.B. Kabalevsky ........................ 350
8.7. Teaching technologies visual arts at school .................................356
8.8. Author's pedagogical technologies of the "Teachers of the Year of Russia" .................................................... 362
Author's technology of formation moral choice schoolchildren "Teachers of the Year - 90"
A.E. Sutormina .............................................. ................................................. .............. 365
The author's technology of teaching physics based on the integrative principle "Teachers
years - 91 "V.A. Gerbutova .................................................. ................................................. ............ 366
Author's technology of formation musical thinking"Teachers of the Year of Russia - 92"
A.V. Zarub ................................................. ................................................. ................................... 368
The author's technology of teaching the Russian language and literature "Teachers of the Year of Russia - 93"
O.G. Paramonova .................................................. ................................................. ...................... 371
The author's technology of teaching literature "Teachers of the Year of Russia - 94" M.A. Nyankovsky
........................................................................................................................................................... 373
Author's speech development technology junior schoolchildren"Teachers of the Year of Russia - 95"
Z.V. Klimentovskaya .................................................. ................................................. ...................... 374
The author's technology for the development of the personality of students in the study of the French language
"Teachers of the Year of Russia - 96" E.A. Filippova ............................................................ .............. 375
Author's technology labor training and education "Teacher of the Year of Russia - 97"
A.E. Glozman .................................................. ................................................. ................................. 376
The author's technology of teaching mathematics "Teachers of the Year-98" V.L. Ilyina............378
The author's technology of musical education "Teacher of the Year of Russia - 99" V.V. Shilov. .380
The author's technology of teaching the Russian language and literature "Teachers of the Year of Russia-2000"
V.A. Morara................................................. ................................................. ................................. 381
The author's technology of teaching "Technology" "Teacher of the Year of Russia - 2001"
A.V. Krylova ................................................. ................................................. .......................

creative path

Selevko German Konstantinovich was born on February 15, 1932 in the city of Yaroslavl in a family of teachers. I went to school from the age of seven and, being a very capable student, became an excellent student. But the difficult post-war years brought him to the chemical-mechanical college. He began his working career at a factory, from where he was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet Army and sent to a military flight school. Already in the technical school and the school, the pedagogical talent of G.K. Selevko: he has always been an assistant to teachers, helping those who are lagging behind learn.

In 1954, having retired to the redundancy reserve, he entered the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical Institute. K.D. Ushinsky, who graduated in 1959 with a degree in physics and basics of production. He successfully combined his studies at the institute with the work of an evening school teacher, where his pedagogical (methodical) talent flourished and his first printed works appeared. After graduating from the institute, he, as an advanced teacher, was invited to work as an inspector of the city Department of Public Education, where he led the process of transitioning secondary schools to 11-year education.

In 1962, he entered the graduate school of the Research Institute of Evening Schools of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR, which he completed ahead of schedule and in 1964 he defended the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.

After that, G.K. Selevko comes to teaching, working simultaneously at the school and at the Yaroslavl Pedagogical Institute. Here he goes from teacher to dean of the faculty.

In 1967 he was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor.

The work on training new cadres of teachers G.K. Selevko combined with the work to improve the skills of teachers in the city and region. His methodological works: "Electric circuits and their schemes in the courses of physics and electrical engineering in high school", "Fundamentals of molecular-kinetic theory in high school", "Issues of optics in optional courses", a semi-programmed manual "Collection of tasks for repeating the course of physics" were distributed in all secondary schools in the region.

In 1974 G.K. Selevko is awarded the badge "Excellence in Public Education".

In 1985, he was invited to create the Department of Pedagogy at the Yaroslavl Regional Institute for Advanced Studies. Working as the head of the department, associate professor G.K. Selevko brought a lot of new things to the activity of this institution. For 10 years, at the department headed by him, personnel were raised to open new departments. In 1989 he was awarded the academic title of professor for his successful scientific and pedagogical activity. Being a supporter of progressive pedagogical innovations, he is the initiator of the creation in 1990 of the faculty of social pedagogy in the Yaroslavl IPK.

During the period of the rise of the social and pedagogical movement in the country, G.K. Selevko becomes an active champion of the restructuring of the school on the basis of humanism and democracy. He writes a number of articles on the pedagogy of cooperation, summarizes the experience of teachers in the region (“Improving the methodological preparation of students”, “Pedagogy of cooperation: methodological recommendations”, “New pedagogical thinking”, etc.). Leading the innovative work of educational institutions in the region since 1990, G.K. Selevko participated in the creation of most gymnasiums, lyceums and socio-pedagogical complexes in the region. This experience has been summarized in a number of publications.

For active work in the preparation of teaching staff G.K. Selevko was awarded the medal. K.D. Ushinsky.

In his research, G.K. Selevko consistently develops a technological approach in education. As part of this approach, he developed original concepts: self-education of schoolchildren, the content of the work of a class teacher, a humane-personally-oriented approach to students, the concept of a social teacher, the concept of working with difficult children, as well as innovative educational technology - the technology of self-development and self-improvement of the personality of students, the basis which is the paradigm of self-development. Of particular importance was the use and development at the technological level of the ideas of Academician A.A. Ukhtomsky about the education of the dominant self-improvement of the child's personality. After publications in the national press, hundreds of educational institutions throughout Russia. The technology of self-development and self-improvement of the personality of students has become a systematizing basis for building educational systems in educational institutions. This technology has not yet been included in any official document - neither in the Concept of Education, nor in any federal program However, she received last years wide “going to the pedagogical people”.

According to the monitoring data, in educational institutions working on this technology, the indicators of social maturity of graduates are significantly increased.

The outpost of the practical development of the technology has become its experimental base, which includes more than 150 experimental sites in the Russian Federation and neighboring countries.

Recently, the experimental base has received a powerful development: under its "scientific wing" took a new educational technology International Academy of Sciences of Teacher Education (IANPE), established pedagogical community under the presidency of Academician of the Russian Academy of Education Vitaly Aleksandrovich Slastenin. In the structure of the academy, at the suggestion of vice-president E.I. Artamonova, the "Center for the Development and Self-Development of the Personality" was opened. It is he who helps the author of the technology to coordinate the scientific and methodological activities of teachers-researchers. A competition is being held for the status of a federal experimental site MANPO. 33 schools have already received diplomas, and there are still about 130 candidates for this status. scientific research in the field of developing technologies in education.

Teachers saw the main thing in the technology of self-improvement of the personality: its scientific natural basis , reliance on the patterns of age development of schoolchildren and their basic needs, the ability to educate the younger generation not by external (usually ineffective) influence, to use the innate mechanisms of self-development, and above all - the dominant mental activity.

Teachers were attracted not only by the topical idea, but also by a holistic guide to its implementation, a completed program of actions, substantiated by scientific and accessible theory, equipped with a methodological apparatus, and practical training. And then the business pedagogical technique, skill, professional understanding and mastering the methods and forms of educating children. The idea and books of G.K. Selevko prompted pedagogical teams to think in this direction, and joint “ brainstorming”(and even“ a long assault ”) led many schools to the first encouraging results: technology marked the beginning of a fundamentally new quality of education for schoolchildren.

Currently, G.K. Selevko is in bloom creative forces, develops a technology for self-development of a person's personality as continuous system from kindergarten before graduation from professional educational institution, enriches it with new practical tasks-situations, travels to schools, consults teachers, listens to their advice. Those who are far away are contacted by e-mail and regular mail (not all rural schools connected to the Internet), sends teaching aids and electronic versions of textbooks for grades 4-11, electronic slide films for all grades, a video film - a presentation of technology. On his disks great amount didactic materials, hundreds of socio-psychological tasks, trial situations, illustrations that teachers enthusiastically accept.

Since 2000, four interregional scientific and practical conferences where more than a thousand teachers shared their experience.

In 2000 G.K. Selevko is awarded a medal for the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd class.

But the main business of G.K. Selevko is the Encyclopedia of Educational Technologies, published in two volumes in 2006 by the Narodnoye obrazovanie publishing house.

This is a unique educational and reference tool for teachers, students pedagogical universities, institutions of the system of additional vocational education, leaders, methodologists and other education workers contains enough Full description about 500 educational technologies and will be indispensable for various courses of "Pedagogical technologies".

The work carried out by the author on the generalization and integration of pedagogical technologies, conceptual and methodological analysis made it possible to reveal the essence of modern pedagogical ideas and patterns that are reflected in specific technologies, to understand the potential of pedagogical management of the educational process and the development of students and to implement them in teaching practice.

"Encyclopedia of Educational Technologies" creates a full-fledged multidimensional view of the global educational space.

The methodological basis of the book is the concept of educational technology put forward by Professor G.K. Selevko, according to which technology is a combination of three main interrelated components: scientific, formally descriptive and procedurally effective.

A long series of scientific and practical work.

These are works on the methodology of teaching physics, manuals for optional courses, textbooks for schoolchildren and teachers "Collection of problems in physics", " Laboratory workshop by measurements", " Pedagogical foundations activities of an engineer”, “Pedagogy of cooperation”, “New pedagogical thinking”, etc., in total more than 200 published scientific and methodical works.

In "Teacher's newspaper", magazine " Classroom teacher” and other publications regularly publish recommendations developed in the course of research; conferences and seminars are held in many regions of the country to put these recommendations into practice.

In 1998, the work of G.K. Selevko "Modern educational technologies”, recommended by the Ministry of General and Vocational Education Russian Federation as study guide for students of pedagogical institutes, students of advanced training institutes. In 2000, the above work was recognized as a pedagogical bestseller. In 2005, the second edition received an award from the Governor of the Yaroslavl Region.

G.K. Selevko- real member International Academy sciences of pedagogical education.

German Konstantinovich actively participates in international cooperation, makes presentations at international symposiums, meetings, including those in near and far abroad (Kazakhstan, Belarus, Slovakia).